Developers and Hackers, Understand OAuth and it’s Grant Type


While browsing the web, you’ve almost certainly come across sites that let you log in using your social media account. There is a high chance that this feature will be implemented using OAuth 2.0 framework. OAuth 2.0 is highly interesting for attackers because it is very common that developers might make implementation mistakes while implementing OAuth. These implementation mistakes can lead to several vulnerabilities, allowing attackers to obtain sensitive user data and potentially bypass authentication completely.

In this part of blog, we are going to discuss about

  • What is OAuth 2.0?
  • OAuth Entities
  • OAuth Flows (Grant Types)
    1. Authorization code grant
    2. Implicit Grant

What is OAuth 2.0?

OAuth stands for Open protocol for Authorization. OAuth provides developers an authorization mechanism to allow an application to access data or perform certain actions against your account, from another application (the authorization server). In simple words, OAuth 2.0 is an authorization framework. It enables third party application to obtain limited access to a service without sharing username & password.

Example: You want to sign in at, you will see that there are various methods to sign up. You clicked on “sign up with facebook” button which will get an ‘access token’ of the user from Facebook and uses this limited information form Facebook to create account.

OAuth 2.0

Entities and terms used in OAuth flow

Before getting into the OAuth grant types, we need to understand Entities and terms used in OAuth flow. Let’s understand via an example. A Facebook user wants to sign in to the ‘Medium’ platform using Facebook. The entities associated with this flow are:

Resource Owner: An entity capable of granting access to a protected resource.

Client Application: client application is the application requesting authorization from the resource owner. In our example, this would be the Medium application.

Authorization Server: authorization server is the server issuing access tokens to the client application after successfully authenticating the resource owner and obtaining authorization. In our example, Facebook will be the Authorization server.

Resource Server: The resource server is the server handling authenticated requests after the application has obtained an access token on behalf of the resource owner. In our example, this would be Facebook.

OAuth Flow

Note: Often the Authorization server and Resource server are the same entity and can be called OAuth provider.

client_id: The client_id is a mandatory parameter containing the public unique identifier of the client application. This value is generated when the client application registers with the OAuth service.

response_type: Determines which kind of response the client application is expecting and, therefore, which flow it wants to initiate. For the authorization code grant type, the value should be code

scope: The scope is the requested level of access the client application is requesting from the resource owner

redirect_uri: The redirect_uri is the URL the user is redirected to after the authorization is complete. This is also known as the “callback URI” or “callback endpoint”. This should match the redirect URL that the user has previously registered with the service.

state: The state parameter stores a unique, random value that is tied to the current session on the client application. According to RFC it is optional, but this parameter serves as a form of CSRF Token for the client application by making sure that the request to its /callback endpoint is from the same person who initiated the OAuth flow.

grant_type: The grant_type parameter denotes what the grant type is, and which token is going to be returned.

code: This code is the authorization code received from the authorization server which will be in the query string parameter “code” in this request. This code is used in conjunction with the client_id and client_secret by the client application to fetch an access_token

access_token: The access_token is the token that the client application uses to make API requests on behalf of a resource owner

refresh_token: The refresh_token allows an application to obtain a new access_token without prompting the user

OAuth Flows (Grant Types)

The OAuth grant type determines the exact sequence of steps involved in the OAuth process. The grant type also affects how the client application communicates with the OAuth service at each stage, including how the access token itself is sent. For this reason, grant types are often referred to as “OAuth flows.”

An OAuth service must be configured to support a particular grant type before a client application initiates the corresponding flow. The client application specifies which grant type it wants to use in the initial authorization request to the OAuth service.

There are 4 different grant types, each with varying levels of complexity and security considerations.

  1. Authorization Code Grant
  2. Implicit Grant
  3. Resource owner password credentials Grant
  4. Client credentials Grant

We’ll focus on the “authorization code” and “Implicit” grant types as these are the ones that are used mostly in current OAuth implementations. To understand the flow in a better manner, keep an eye on the diagram with its number and understand the flow step by step.

Authorization Code Grant

Initially, the authorization code grant type looks quite complicated, but it’s actually simpler than you think once you’re familiar with a few basics. In short, the client application and OAuth service first use redirects to exchange a series of browser-based HTTP requests that initiate the flow. The user is asked whether they consent to the requested access. If they accept, the client’s application is granted an “authorization code.” The client application then exchanges this code with the OAuth service to receive an “access token,” which they can use to make API calls to fetch the relevant user data.

authorization Code Grant

  1. 1) The user (resource owner) has logged onto the photo printing service. The user says Hi to the photo printing service, saying I want to print my photo, but my photo is on Google Drive, so printing service can you go and fetch my photos from Google Drive? The photo printing service says, okay, I need to access the resource server. I know this guy, but this guy doesn’t get me access directly because it uses OAuth, so I know that there is an authorization server I need to talk to first.
  2. 2) Photo printing service goes to the authorization server and says, ” Hey, it’s me. My user wants to access a resource from your resource server (you can think of Google Drive). The authorization server says, ok, my resource owner might have asked you to contact me. Still, I cannot be sure that I can trust you. I trust the person who has a Google account. I don’t trust your client so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go & talk to that person (actual resource owner) and see if the resource owner wants you to do this all.
  3. 3) The authorization server goes to the resource owner and says, hey, resource owner, this guy does climb this photo printing service and wants to access your files. Are you cool about that? Do you want to do it? (This includes permission, scope, etc that client application wants from resource owner)
  4. 4) The resource owner says okay, I’m actually the person who asked that client to access the resource, so go-ahead
  5. 5) The authorization server says to the client application that now I have confirmation from the resource owner to give you client access to the resource. The authorization server sends the client an authorization token which is a short-lived authorization token
  6. 6) The client uses this authorization token and contacts the authorization server again to get a second token which is an access token.
  7. 7) The authorization server says okay. Now we have done both sides of the exchange. I fully trust you, and I give you this access token. Go ahead and use this access token to contact the resource server and access the resource.
  8. 8) Client App request resource from Resource server with the use of Access token.
  9. 9) The resource server validates the Access token, and then it provides the resource to the client application. In this case, google drive service provides the resource (photos) to the photo printing service.
  10. 10) Client application processes the photos and delivers whatever content that application can provide to the resource owner.

I hope you have understood Authorization Code Grant. Next, we will see an Implicit grant that is way simpler than an Authorization code grant.

Implicit grant type

The implicit grant type is much simpler. Rather than first obtaining an authorization code and then exchanging it for an access token, the client application receives the access token immediately after the user gives their consent.

You may be wondering why client applications don’t always use the implicit grant type. The answer is relatively simple – it is far less secure. When using the implicit grant type, all communication happens via browser redirects – there is no secure back-channel like in the authorization code flow. This means that the sensitive access token and the user’s data are more exposed to potential attacks.

The implicit grant type is more suited to single-page applications and native desktop applications, which cannot easily store the client_secret on the back end, and therefore, don’t benefit as much from using the authorization code grant type.

Implicit grant type

  1. 1) The user (resource owner) has logged onto the photo printing service. The user says Hi to the photo printing service, saying I want to print my photo, but my photo is on Google Drive, so printing service can you go and fetch my photos from Google Drive? The photo printing service says, okay, I need to access the resource server. I know this guy, but this guy doesn’t get me access directly because it uses OAuth, so I know that there is an authorization server I need to talk to first.
  2. 2) Photo printing service goes to the authorization server and says, “Hey, it’s me”. My user wants to access a resource from your resource server (you can think of Google Drive). The authorization server says, ok, my resource owner might have asked you to contact me. Still, I cannot be sure that I can trust you. I trust the person who has a Google account. I don’t trust your client so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go & talk to that person (actual resource owner) and see if the resource owner wants you to do this all.
  3. 3) The authorization server goes to the resource owner and says, hey, resource owner, this guy does climb this photo printing service and wants to access your files. Are you cool about that? Do you want to do it? (This includes permission, scope, etc that client application wants from resource owner)
  4. 4) The resource owner says okay, I’m actually the person who asked that client to access the resource, so go-ahead
  5. 5) The authorization server says to the client application that now I have confirmation from the resource owner to give you client access to the resource. The authorization server sends the client an Access token.
  6. 6) Client App Request resource from Resource server with the use of Access token.

The resource server validates the Access token, and then it provides the resource to the client application. In this case, google drive service provides the resource (photos) to the photo printing service.

Client application processes the photos and delivers whatever content that application can provide to the resource owner.


I hope this article has helped you in understanding OAuth and their grant types. In the next article, we will discuss about OAuth vulnerabilities and mitigation.


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