Hi Folks, Do you want to try performing electron application penetration testing? but having trouble in knowing where to start?
Table of Contents
ToggleIf you’re looking for a quick introduction on electron application penetration testing, this blog post walks you through some fundamental concepts like reversing the Electron applications, identifying vulnerabilities in dependencies & XSS == RCE.
Let’s start with the obvious: what is ElectronJs.
The Electron is an open-source desktop application framework. You might be wondering what’s special with Electron JS. The key takeaway is that you won’t need to spend time learning new programming languages to develop desktop apps if you’re already familiar with JS, HTML, and CSS. You can get straightaway into building the desktop app if you have adequate web development skills. On another note, Electron JS enables you to create cross-platform programs that run on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux
Electron combines Chromium and Node.js, a JavaScript runtime based on Chrome V8 JavaScript engine.
For more : https://www.electronjs.org/
Reversing Electron Applications
In Electron application penetration testing, reversing is the process through which you get to lay hands on the electron source code. Which is paramount as it allows you to examine the electron source code and identify the application security flaws. In this part, let’s get straight into processes required in reversing Electron apps.
Reversing .exe files
In the Windows platform, reversing the electron application is quite simple. Please follow the steps outlined below.
- You can download the Notable app from the following link.
- Install the downloaded application.
- Right-click on the application > Open file location.
- You may locate the application installed directory using the steps indicated above. There might be a chance to find something interesting and sensitive in this directory.
- Navigate the “resources” directory.
- You can now see the app.asar file, which will be utilized for further examination and analysis.
Reversing .asar
For those who are not so familiar with asar files, an asar file is an archive that contains the source code for electron applications. Let’s try to reverse the .asar file that we obtained in the previous step.
To continue, you’ll need to install node js and npm. The installation instructions can be found at the following URL: https://nodejs.org/en/download/.
- Install asar.
npm install -g asar
- Extract app.asar file.
asar extract app.asar dest-folder
The .asar package has been extracted, now we can examine the source code.
Identifying dependencies’ vulnerabilities
Third-party or open-source code is turning out to be inevitable for most of the applications that we deal with on a daily basis. If any dependencies utilized in applications are insecure, the programme is likewise vulnerable. Which would definitely lead to undesired results.
The npm audit command comes handy here. It will assist you in identifying known vulnerabilities in your project’s dependencies. Let’s now take a look at how to execute the npm audit command below.
- To scan the Notable app, use the command following inside the extracted directory.
npm audit
- You will most likely see an error like this.
npm ERR! code ENOLOCK
npm ERR! audit This command requires an existing lockfile.
npm ERR! audit Try creating one first with: npm i --package-lock-only
npm ERR! audit Original error: loadVirtual requires existing shrinkwrap file
npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR! C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalnpm-cache_logs2022-02-13T18_14_44_485Z-debug-0.log
- To resolve the problem, run the command.
npm i --package-lock-only
- Run the npm audit command again.
npm audit
Electron XSS exploitation
Install the Electro-XSS vulnerable app by downloading it from here. The installation instructions can be found in the git repository.
Before we begin exploiting the application, let’s have a look at the source code and identify the security flow.Open the Electro-XSS project in any text editor to begin exploring the source code.
File : package.json
The package.json file contains various metadata, as well as dependency and version details. For more details : https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/configuring-npm/package-json
You can see the “main” field in the package.json file, which points to the project primary entry point. Let’s take a look at index.js, which is our primary entry point in this case.
File: Index.js
- This application uses the app and BrowserWindow electron modules.
- app : This module can be used to manage your application’s events.
- BrowserWindow : The application windows can be created and maintained using this module.
- If the application’s basic startup is completed, the ready event function callback is invoked, and the BrowserWindow builds the main window, and then loads the index.html file using MainWindow.loadURL.
File : Index.html
The application’s frontend is the index.html page. The frontend is what you see and interact with on your browser.
- Go to the views folder and locate the index.html file.
- At the bottom of the index.html file, look for the jQuery script.
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#clickme').on('click', function (){
var msg = $('#msg').val();
$("#imhere").append("<li class='clearfix'> <div class='message my-message'> " + msg +" </div> </li>");
Do you noticed that? Yes, the application takes the user input directly and appends to the elements without having any validation. hence we can execute arbitrary JavaScript via a crafted message.
Now that we’ve discovered the flaw, let’s try to exploit the Electro-XSS application.
- Run the Electro-XSS Application.
npm run electro-xss
- To trigger the XSS, use the payload below.
<img src=x onerror=alert(1) />
Now that we’ve successfully exploited XSS, let’s see whether we can use it to perform an RCE. To do so, we must first examine the configurations.
- Navigate to the index.js file in the Electro-XSS project.
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
contextIsolation: false,
In the index.js file, you’ll see webPreferences, which are settings of features that can be enabled in web pages. Let’s see what features are enabled.
- nodeIntegration : The nodeIntegration feature is set to true, enabling DOM access to the nodejs APIs. This is something that hackers seek; if nodeIntegration is enabled, attackers can use XSS to invoke nodejs functions, resulting in RCE.
- contextIsolation : The feature ensures that both your preload scripts and Electron’s internal logic run in a separate context to the website you load in a webContents.
So we know that the nodeIntegration feature allows us to invoke the node JS APIs, which means we can use XSS to invoke node js APIs, resulting in RCE.
- To get RCE, use the payload below.
<img src=x onerror=alert(require('child_process').exec('calc')); />
I hope this article has given you a better understanding of Elecron JS and its security issues.I believe this could present a basic outline for any tech enthusiasts to build and experiment that could inspire and contribute to the community. Feel free to reach out if you have any doubts.
- https://www.electronjs.org/
- https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/tutorial/security
- https://www.blackhat.com/docs/us-17/thursday/us-17-Carettoni-Electronegativity-A-Study-Of-Electron-Security.pdf
About Payatu
Payatu is a Research Focused, CERT-In impaneled Cybersecurity Consulting company specializing in security assessments of IoT product ecosystem, Web application & Network with a proven track record of securing applications and infrastructure for customers across 20+ countries.
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